Lake County Air Quality Management District

Clean Air Attainment Since 1990


2617 S. Main St., Lakeport, CA

Who We Are

Our Air District is one of 35 local regulatory agencies in California responsible for ambient (outdoor) air quality in our geographic region. It’s our duty to ensure the fair and consistent implementation of local, state and federal air quality regulations. 

Quality of Air Affects Quality of Life

Lake County meets all Ambient Air Quality Standards (State and Federal) for clean, healthful air quality.  Exceptions to this only occur during major wildfire events.  Major consituants of poor air quality include:

Ozone is an invisible pollutant formed by chemical reactions in the presence of sunlight involving the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and reactive organic gases. Because ozone requires the presence of sunlight, it reaches the highest levels in the summertime. It is a powerful respiratory irritant that can cause coughing, shortness of breath, headaches, fatigue and lung damage, especially among children, the elderly, the ill and people who exercise outdoors. Ozone also damages plants, including agricultural crops, and degrades manufactured materials such as rubber and paint.

Particulate Matter is a complex mixture which may contain soot, smoke, metals, toxics, nitrates, sulfates, dust, and tire rubber. It can be emitted directly, as in smoke from any fire, or it can form in the atmosphere from reactions of gases such as nitrogen oxides. Health studies have linked fine particulate matter (PM2.5) to several significant health problems including decreased lung function, aggravated asthma, development of chronic bronchitis and premature death in people with heart or lung disease.

The need to reduce pollution is simple; Clean air means better health and better living for each of us.

As part of our clean air strategy, our staff implements the following:

Monitor the county’s air quality.

Inventory/ assess the health risks of toxic air emissions.

Assist/explain/enforce State and federal air pollution control laws.

Provide public education and outreach.

Respond to public complaints and inquiries.

Administer Clean Air Grants for projects that reduce air pollution.

Adopt rules and regulations that reduce pollution.

Issue permits and conduct inspections for businesses/industries which emit air pollutants.

Analyze the air quality impact of new businesses/ land development projects.

Implement the local Smoke Management Program and all other burning.

Work with other government agencies to coordinate air quality programs/ regulations.

The Air Quality Management Governing Board is comprised of the five Lake County Supervisors acting in an ex-officia capacity. The Board represents the people of Lake Countyand establishes policies, approves new rules, and adoptes the budget. The District Board also appoints the Air Pollution Control Officer and District Hearing Board. 

The Air Quality Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body established by State law appointed by the Governing Board. The five-member Hearing Board is authorized to grant or deny a petition for variance; uphold or overturn District decisions regarding permit denials and operating conditions on permits; and issue orders for abatement. The Hearing Board meets as requested.