Lake County Air Quality Management District

Clean Air Attainment Since 1990


2617 S. Main St., Lakeport, CA

Maintaining Clean Air For Lake County




Due to a severe staffing shortage the District office is currently closed.


Requests for County or City Building and Demolition Permit sign-offs can be submitted to our general email at Include all documents pertaining to the project as appropriate including: building/demolition permit application, location map, engine information, engine specification sheets, engine emission sheets.  If additional information is required the District will contact you.


A drop box is available at the District Office ( generally accessible Monday through Thursday 10am to 4pm) and it is checked daily so you can drop off documents for review.


Please allow 10 business days before contacting the District for an update on your request. 

Requests will be processed as time allows in the order received.  


All diesel generators require a District permit.  Please submit an original signed Authority to Construct application, Engine Data Submittal Form, engine specification sheet, engine emission certification, location map and application fee in the amount of $326.49 to the District office by mail to: 

Lake County Air Quality Management District

2617 S. Main Street

Lakeport, CA 95453


Matters that pertain to the immediate and significant health and safety risk to the public will take priority over all other requests.  


To obtain applications, forms and more information please see the Permits and Compliance tab.   


We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time.



Mission Statement

The mission of the lake County Air Quality Management District (LCAQMD) is to maintain healthful ambient air quality for the residents and visitors of the Lake County Air Basin.  The Air Basin is a Federally and State recognized geographic area that is the same as the county boundary.  The District is a regional agency, created by the state, that regulates stationary sources of air pollution within the Lake County Air Basin.  These sources include industrial developments such as the Geysers Geothermal Power Generation as well as commercial businesses with air emissions such as mining operations and gasoline stations. The District also regulates open burning and is delegated a variety of other programs such as State Air Toxic Control Measures (ATCMs) and Federal New Source Performance Standards (NSPSs).  The main purpose of the LCAQMD is to enforce local, state, and federal air quality laws, rules and regulations in order to meet the Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQSs), and protect the public from air toxics through local regulation, State ARB ATCM and Federal EPA NESHAP specific control regulations.


Funding is provided by state subvention, permit fees, fines, and grants.  The District is self-supporting, and is not funded by property taxes.  The LCAQMD pays overhead, rent, and other charges to the Lake County General Fund.


The District Board of Directors is the ex-officio County Board of Supervisors.


The District does not regulate occupational exposures nor indoor air quality.

Lake County Air Basin

Community Air Protection Program

Through the Community Air Protection Program, authorized by Assembly Bill 617, we are working to enhance the air quality protection and monitoring in communities within Lake County.   Help us plan our next community project.

 Office Hours:


Temporarily closed
Appointments are required for all in person services.



Quick Links

Burn Permits
Air Toxics-AB2588
Incentives (Grants)
Burn Program
Air Monitoring
Other Resources